For a long time I thought about what it would be like to get to be one hundred years old.
I concluded that I may not be the joyous occasion we all deem it to be.
With all of your friends gone and your close family you would have gone through much pain caused by these losses.
You would also be carrying the guilt of still being alive.
There would be no one left who knew you as a person, just seeing you as a connection to a past time and a living history book.
Life is like a fairground ride.
At first you are keen and enthusiastically enjoy it.
Next you start getting used to it but still find enjoyment.
Finally you have been on it too long and wish it to stop so you can get off.
I have tried to capture those feelings in this song.
I love the Hundred Birthday....My mom and I used to visit my Grammy and often times, there was someone who was complaining and wishing God would take them. I also saw my Mother age from a person who had friends and one by one they went on before her. It's a beautiful song. I myself have written several aging poems in remembrance of my Mother.