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Wednesday 4th September 2019 - Live Radio Session

I really enjoyed my live Radio
Session with presenter Steve Ralph
on Cabin FM.
A big "Thank You" to Craig and Damon for the technical expertise on this live outside broadcast.
Craig's video of me performing The Boys Sung Tipperary is on my video page
Monday 3rd December 2018 - Ashford Masonic Centre
Reg was a guest at the South Kent Masonic Lodge's Christmas Event
at which he played a selection of Christmas Songs.
Not the usual event for Reg to play at but still an enjoyable experience,
such was the warm and friendly welcome he received.
A considerable amount of money was raised for charity on the evening
which is always an added bonus.
Photo courtesy of Cheryl Turtlemoon

Friday 9th November 2018 - Deal Friday Folk Club
Photo courtesy of Stephen Wakeford Photo courtesy of Cheryl Turtlemoon
The theme for the evening Remembrance to mark the Centenary of the first Armistice Day.
The Club was filled to capacity such was the support for this evening.
There were many performers of song and poetry with every contribution made with such passion.
The programme even included a bugler playing the Last Post and Revellie.
The profits from this night were in aid of the Royal British Legionand the Royal Marines Association Charity.
It was a great pleasure for me to be part of this evening.