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(She Goes) Walking By

I tried to get a 60's feel with this one so I hope you agree

Oh Look at Life

I originally wrote this in 1972 and I found the original on an old cassette recording Grahame Crouch and I made as Forfeit. As soon as he heard it he said, "I remember THAT one!"

Lonely Without You

I set myself a challenge one day, to write a song with a simple bouncy melody, simple words and lot of "bop shoo waps in it". Here is the result.

Got This Woman

A great bluesie number written by Grahame in 1972. I found the original on the old cassete again from the time.

Ruby's Song

This particular song was written especially for my new great granddaugter Ruby. It completes a circle for me as I wrote songs for my children, grandchildren and now great grandchild. Three generations of songs for which I am so proud.

Life's Highway

Especially written for the Spiritualist Church of Love, Light and Truth in Herne Bay for it's birthday celebrations. I was very honoured to be asked to perform it on the day

The Ballad of Sydenham Snow

This song tells the true story of a young midshipman Sydenham Snow and his encounter with smugglers on the beach at Herne Bay, Kent in 1821, which resulted in his demise. It also tells how the smugglers were unexpectedly acquitted of his murder. His gravestone, at St. Martin's in Herne, features on the covering artwork of the single. Incidentally, is engraved with the wrong date of his death. Dedicated to the memory of Sydenham Snow, b.1797 & d.1821. Part of the rich history of Herne Bay in Kent, UK

Farewell My ANZAC Boys

A moving instrumental piece that I have tried to give a classical feel

Oft' I Wander 'Cross The Moor

Written many years ago, this is the very first recording of this song, telling of a young woman, watching and waiting for the return of her man, who had been press ganged into going to sea.

The Ballad of Claude Duvall

This is another true story about Claude Duvall, the first and original dandy highwayman. Claude Duval was born in Normandy in 1643 and became a domestic servant in England.

He soon drifted into crime and became a highwayman well known for his flambouyant clothes. The women of the time were all in love with him, but the men absolutely despised him.

He was executed at Tyburn on 21st January 1670 aged about 27.

Wassailing Song

Simply a song to celebrate the forthcoming year back in the day, and an opportunity for the Lord of the manor to reward his workers

St. George's Fair

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A tinker is travelling to the town to sell his wares at the St. George's

Fair when he gives a ride to a young maiden.

On the way they fall in love and plight their troth

Wassailing Song Acapella

The Wassailing Song unaccompanyed

Lonely Without You Accoustic

Bonus Track - Unplugged version of the song.

Oh Look at Life Accoustic

Bonus Track - Unplugged version of the song.

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